What we do

At Little Owls Forest School, our groups are kept small, allowing a more relaxed environment, and giving the Forest School leader more of an opportunity to build relationships with the children.

During our two-hour weekly sessions, we aim to explore the natural environment in different ways, be it bug hunts, scavenger hunts, looking for animal tracks and signs or just a walk to look for cool things – you never know what you may find! We have nature themed activities and crafts including: den building, fire lighting, whittling, clay work, foraging, natural paint art, campfire cooking and so much more! There is always time for free play and, of course, marshmallow toasting over the fire!

Our sessions vary from week to week, and are designed to spark an interest in nature, build confidence and resilience and help the children feel happy exploring and learning about the great outdoors! Our sessions support the development of social skills, fine and gross motor skills, self-esteem and risk management.

Wildlife cameras

The children love being in charge of finding great spots to put our wildlife camera. It’s a really fun, interesting, and educational way of seeing what birds and animals are up to when we aren’t looking!

The natural environment can give us so much. It can teach us so much. If we can spark an interest in our children from an early age, they will always have this; it will be something our children can always gain something from, whether it’s happiness, relaxation, fun, adventure - hopefully all of these things!